Do you like Lego? Do you like philosophy? Then you'll love Philosobrick! Amanda Rogers (who's husband Andrew was on previously) talks to us about how she uses lego to help engage children in big ideas. We particularly look at how this can be used as a strengths based approach rather than a deficit approach when it comes to neuro-diverse children.
It is also transferable cross curricular. It can be used as a starter, plenary, flip learning or homework! It's so adaptable.
We also look at the drawbacks to this approach if it is not done correctly! (Leave time for free play!)
The Perth that is mentioned is in Western Australia - just to contextualise the regional and remote comment.
This is Amanda's website.
Here is a link to the quadrant question that is mentined
Lego serious play is an open source methodology - here is the link
I'll add a PDF document with more information below!